Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Weight:  165.6
Breakfast:  1 cup of coffee, Luna bar
Mid-morning snack:  2 egg whites, a little cheese, a little salsa in a wheat tortilla (I am not a huge "salsa on my food" person...but this was actually REALLY GOOD!  WOW!)
Snack:  VitaTop velvety chocolate muffin thing (mmm!  Good bye chocolate craving!)
Late Lunch:  Sonic Low Cal Diet Cherry Limeade (WAY better for you than the regular one!), another egg/cheese/salsa burrito
Dinner:  Compliments of a Pampered Chef party...I had a slice of YUMMY pizza with olives and tomato on it, a few blue corn chips with homemade salsa (mmm!) and a small serving of this awesome chocolate cake with one scoop of vanilla ice cream and some strawberries
Snack:  3 boiled egg whites
Exercise:  3.4 miles at Lake Murray Dam and probably a 1/2 mile walk with Grainger while wearing Kaelyn in the baby carrier...might I add that means I was CARRYING about 19 extra pounds?!

Well, it sure can be demotivating to get on the scale and see a slight jump in weight...but I'm truthfully saying that I'm not letting it get me down!  I know from things I've heard before that our weight can shift slightly up or down just from water weight or some other factors that I'm not sure of.  I've been told it's best to weigh in once a week, but I feel like I can handle the reality that sometimes I might wake up a few ounces heavier than the previous morning.  I'd rather just see where I'm at every morning.  If I'm being REALLY honest, I just can't wait to see my weight drop to 154.9 or less.  I know it sounds silly, but since I had Kaelyn I haven't been able (you all know when I say able that it's a sham because I haven't really tried that hard!) to get below 155.

Here's some info I found online:

How often should I weigh myself?

A common question when it comes to weight loss is, “How often should I weigh myself?” You’ll find a variety of opinion as to whether it should be daily, weekly, monthly — or not at all!
Here’s a look at the different ways you can weigh yourself to help you decide what’s best for you:

Daily Weigh-Ins

At first glance, weighing yourself daily seems like a good idea, right? You’d see right away if you gained or lost weight from how you ate and exercised the day before. You’d be able to see whether you’re on track or notAnd, according to the National Weight Control Registry, 44% of their members who have lost 30lbs or more and kept it off for more than a year weigh themselves daily.  But can you handle what the scale says? The problem with daily weigh-ins is your weight fluctuates each day for a variety of reasons. For some people, it can be discouraging to see this weight fluctuation.

If you weigh yourself daily, do it the same way, under the same conditions and at the same time of the day. And keep in mind that if the scale shows a jump of a pound or two, it’s highly unlikely it’s all “fat” you gained. To gain a pound or two of fat in a day, you’d have to consume over 3500 to 7000 calories more than you burn in a day.

Weekly Weigh-Ins

Weekly weigh-ins may be more motivating because you wouldn’t see the daily fluctuations. Instead you’d see a weekly trend of weight loss or weight gain and you could make changes in your eating or exercise, if needed.

It’s up to you how often to weigh yourself, if you’re going to weigh yourself at all. But don’t sabotage yourself by focusing too much on weight. If you’re exercising a lot, it’s possible that you’re gaining some muscle and losing a bit of fat. The scale doesn’t show your body mass composition.

So here we are.  I'm more motivated today than I was yesterday (and slightly less sore, which always helps!).  Kaelyn is down for a nap so I'm trying to figure out if I should try to make it to the gym this morning before walking the dam with my friend or just try to go late tonight to the gym.  Once way or another, I want to make it there!

Random thought:  Have you seen the new reality show about Extreme Couponing?  Holy Cow.  I'm about halfway into it right now and I can't BELIEVE the stockpile these ladies have.  I love to save money at the grocery store, but I refuse to sacrifice time with my family to do it!

Interesting nutritional information I learned today:  Compare the low cal diet cherry limeade to the regular one:

Low cal:  14 calories, 12 mg sodium, 3 carbs, 1 gram sugar
Regular:  170 calories, 36 mg sodium, 46 carbs, 44 grams sugar


  1. I have the exact same problem! I get stuck at a certain number and it's so difficult to get past it. I'll lose a couple pounds one week and then have a really bad week and I'll creep back up to the same weight. I guess I should at least be thankful I'm not gaining!

    Looking forward to reading more!

  2. I saw previews for the Extreme Couponing it worth watching for tips or are those women just too far gone? I think it's great that you are being realistic that your weight will fluctuate every day and just keeping up with your goals. That in itself is something to be proud of, especially with the little princess taking up your time. My Mom did weight watchers and they always stressed that no matter when you do your weigh ins, that you do it at the same time of day and in the same outfit as previous times. Oh and also water...great filler. Most vegies are zero points meaning no calories so they are also great fillers.

  3. The Extreme Couponing show is interesting. I haven't finished watching it yet...but these people are HARD CORE. It definitely gets you thinking about what you can do better...or at least it's got me thinking. But from what I'm seeing so far, these people spend HOURS AND HOURS couponing/shopping each week to the point where they are neglecting their family/friends. Not cool!
