Saturday, April 9, 2011

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Weight:  164.6
Breakfast:  1 cup of coffee, 2 egg white burrito in wheat tortilla with a little cheese and salsa
Snack:  Luna bar
Lunch:  Chicken, brown rice, black bean burrito in a wheat tortilla and a salad with roasted salted almonds on it
Snack:  Preztel crisps and hummus and a couple handfuls of trail mix (I was so disappointed that I only managed to grab like 2 m&ms from the trail mix...I wanted chocolate!  Probably better off for it, though!)
Dinner:  Brown rice, diced chicken breast and 3 hard boiled egg whites in a bowl with a touch of ranch for flavor
Dessert:  Peaches
Exersize:  What's that?  I'm taking today completely off!

I don't have much to say quite yet today.  I woke up feeling like I had most certainly gained something you ever have those days?  You just physically feel bigger?  Well, that's how I felt.  But I got on the scale and it came up the same as yesterday morning.  I'm definitely not complaining about that!

Kaelyn's been quite a fussmeister today so I'm just trying to get through that.  I'm on the countdown for 6pm so I can feed her her last bottle and she can go to bed for the night!

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