Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday, May 27, 2011

Weight:  157.2 (almost to my goal of under 155 before June 4th!!!)
Exercise:  Going to the gym tonight to work upper body with my hubby!

I'm baaaaaaaaack!  Don't worry, I haven't quit the quest to lose weight just because I haven't been blogging.  I've just sort of run out of things to say.  I figure you'd rather me post when I have something to say rather than post and just babble about nothing!

A couple of things are on my mind today.  First off...did you watch the Biggest Loser?  I am normally not that into that show, but I have to admit that this season sure did get my attention.  I only caught the past few weeks' episodes, but that was enough to motivate me.  Seriously, if these people can lose 100+ pounds in 5 months, I can certainly lose 20ish pounds in about that same time, right?  That's what got me thinking.  On the finale, one of the contestants said something to the effect of if you change the way you think, you can do it.  It's so true.  I'm even more motivated to get my act in gear after watching that show!

So...speaking of getting my act in gear...that certainly doesn't mean that I don't screw up every now and again.  I have a confession to make.  I confessed to my friend yesterday and here I am, owning up to my mistake to you guys as yet another way of keeping myself accountable.  Well, my husband was out of town all week in Buffalo, NY...and the saying is when the cat's away, the mouse will play, right?  I'm not going to lie...when he's not here, I tend to get more cravings and less willpower.  What'd I do, you ask?  I bought a bag of Krispy Kreme mini cruller doughnuts...and I ate probably two thirds of it.  I will say, however, despite the guilt I felt from pigging out on those...I loved every minute of it! haha!

The other thing on my mind is...bathing suit season.  Bleh.  Anyone else not a fan of shopping for a bathing suit?  First, I'm not a fan of discovering that none of my "old" suits fit me anymore.  Thankfully I do have that one excuse I can use...I did have a baby and my body is just "different" now.  At any rate, I think I found one that I really like, but we'll see.

Well, that's it from me today!  Just don't think that I've given up if I don't blog...and you don't give up either!  It's time to get healthy so we can stop focusing on losing weight and trying to get healthy and just finally enjoy our lives!

Thursday, May 19, 2011


I've heard from many different sources that we shouldn't eat for a couple of hours before bed.  Haven't you heard that?  But do you even know why?  I didn't until I read the book, Ultrametabolism.  I find this quite interesting, so I thought I'd share this excerpt with you!

The Biology Behind the Sumo Diet

There are some specific ways the sumo diet causes ordinary people to gain extraordinary amounts of weight. The first is that sumo wrestlers never eat breakfast. They wake up, and the first thing they do is start exercising vigorously. This combination of skipping breakfast and then training really hard for five hours means that by the time they get to eat, they are starving. As a consequence, they overeat—they eat much more food than they need to feel full.

To optimize our health and weight loss, we need to eat breakfast, to spread our food intake evenly throughout the day, and not to eat for at least two hours before bed. A recent study found that almost 3,000 people who lost an average of 70 pounds and kept it off for six years ate breakfast regularly. Only 4 percent of people who never ate breakfast kept the weight off. The only difference between the two groups was that the group who lost weight ate breakfast and the other group did not. They both consumed the same number of calories and the same types of food.

It turns out that it’s not only the type of calories you consume that is important in losing weight and maintaining weight loss, but the time of day you eat as well. Another important point is that sumo wrestlers go to sleep almost immediately after they eat. Sleeping immediately after you eat is a sure way to pile on the pounds. When we are sleeping, we are in a healing and repair mode, a storage and growth mode. Those of you who have teenagers know that they wake up taller in the morning than when they went to sleep. This is because they produce more growth hormone while they are asleep. You produce more growth hormone when you sleep, too. The problem is that once we finish growing up, we grow out!

The body slows down its metabolism during sleep, and any undigested food left in your system is stored for later use. How is it stored for later use? Usually as fat. If you can avoid eating for two to three hours before bedtime, you give your body the time it needs to digest the food. That way, when you go to sleep you are not storing the calories you just consumed as fat. Instead, you burn them to keep your bodily functions active while awake.

Hyman M.D., Mark (2006). Ultrametabolism (p. 56). Scribner. Kindle Edition.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Weight:  158.4 (after coffee and likely I weighed a little less than that this morning!)
Exercise:  Nada.  I've decided to take today off to hopefully recover more from this cold so that I can work my butt off at the gym tomorrow...spin class and then weights with my husband in the evening!

Here's what I've been thinking about today:

I found a picture from 2005 of me and my neice when she was approximately 8 months old.  It's the cutest picture of us!  When I looked at it, though, I immediately noticed how thin and healthy I looked.  That was 6 years and about 18 pounds ago.  Why is it that at that time I remember being self-conscious about my weight?!  I look at this picture and think, I was at a perfect weight!  I was fit!  I had muscle and little fat!  Why in the world would I be focused on my weight at a time like that? 

So here's the question.  Do we EVER feel happy with ourselves?  I have to wonder.  So here's my promise to myself:  I promise that when I hit my final goal weight of 140 that I will stand in front of the mirror and tell myself that I am happy with the way I look.  I also promise to work hard to keep myself at that weight once I finally attain it, and finally make "losing weight" and "getting fit" less of an obsession in my life and focus on what really counts:  God, my husband, my daughter and my family.

Below is the photo I found.  I dare you to find a photo of yourself at your "ideal" weight (be realistic, now!) and put it somewhere that you can see it often and use it as a motivator.  I also dare you to get yourself to your final goal and finally be HAPPY with yourself!  Life shouldn't revolve around losing weight and getting fit.  Just my opinion!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Weight:  159.something (don't remember...sorry!)
Exercise:  Does laying around all day count?

Where have I been, you wonder?  Well, I've been sick with a nasty cold since last I've just been staying under the radar.  I've gone to spin a couple of times despite feeling yucky, and I've tried to eat relatively healthy while sick, but sometimes that's hard when nothing "sounds good" or only certain things seem like they might taste good. 

I can't wait to start getting back to "normal" (or whatever that is!) and get back to keeping track of what I'm eating and everything.  I definitely notice a difference in how accountable I am when I'm not keeping track of what I'm putting in my body.  For example, today for lunch I had a chicken sandwich...and Doritos.  Hm!  Doritos!  Not so healthy.  But I used the excuse of "I don't feel good."  That excuse is only good for so long!

Anyway, I just wanted you all to know that I am still here.  It's just hard to want to write on this blog while I'm feeling yucky and my daughter is feeling yucky and I'm having to take care of both of us.  I do, however, have a goal of getting to under 155 by June 4th (yes, mom, I'm using the day you get here as my goal date!!!)...and I know I have my work cut out for me, so here's hoping this cold is gone in the next day or two so I can get to it!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Weight:  157.8
Exercises:  Nada!

Well, I wanted to post yesterday but apparently the site was down for here I am!  Yes, my weight is actually 157.8!  Yesterday I was 158.8, I believe.  I have to admit, though, that I don't think the weight loss is entirely due to my healthy eating...I came down with a cold the other day and that coupled with the medicine I'm taking equals a very low appetite. 

Well, I really wanted to post yesterday because I had some exciting news related to my weight loss.  Kaelyn is getting dedicated at our church tomorrow (which is extremely exciting news in and of itself!!!), so yesterday I decided to try on some of my clothes to see if any of my nicer clothes fit.  Well, I tried on one pair of slacks in particular that were tight right before I got pregnant with Kaelyn and they fit great!  I was so excited.  I even ran down our stairs and then up the stairs to David's office to show him because I was so excited! 

Because of the awesomeness (mm hm...I said it!) of those pants fitting, I have an extremely short goal for myself this weekend.  What's the goal, you ask?  To watch what I eat today so that I can still fit into those pants comfortably tomorrow!  I think that's pretty attainable, don't you?

One last thing.  I posted last week that I was sort of reevaluating how I eat, etc, and that I was reading the book UltraMetabolism.  Well, that book was really good.  I learned a lot of good information and I'm definitely taking some of it into consideration.  I'm not, however, completely changing the way I eat.  I am implementing some of the things the doctor talks about, but I just don't have the energy to completely go to whole foods.  As I post more blogs, I'll tell you about some of the things he talks about.  But for now I'm keeping it simple because I've just got too much to do!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Weight:  160.6
Exercise:  Not much today - probably just walk the dog.  Worked out yesterday so I'm recovering today.

Well, you may have noticed that I've taken a little break from posting.  I'm just reevaluating how I'm eating at the moment, so I've stopped keeping track of my weight as much over the last several days.  Not only that but I've also had some problems with staying focused on eating well the past several days.  Have you ever noticed that one meal can send you on a downward spiral of eating badly?  It's like if I don't even taste bad for me stuff then I don't miss it as much...but the second I let myself have a "treat," all of a sudden I'm back to craving the bad stuff. 

David gave me a Kindle for mother's day and I'm absolutely loving it.  I researched some books on weight loss and eating healthy and decided to get this book called Ultrametabolism by Mark Hyman, MD.  It's a very interesting book.  He talks about why our metabolisms do what they do, how they are affected by the foods we put into our bodies and stuff like that.  He also is a big promoter of eating whole, natural foods.  I'm not saying I'm going to follow 100% of what he recommends, but I'm seriously considering changing some of the things I'm doing with my eating.  If you're looking for an interesting book about how our bodies work, I definitely recommend this one.  I normally can't read anything other than fiction books, but this book has me totally enthralled.  Then again I'm also way more interested in understanding weight loss than I've ever been...knowing the why and how is really helping me focus on trying to get healthy.

I'll be back to posting like normal here pretty soon.  I'm not giving up!  Oh, one last thing.  I decided to get my body fat tested at the gym yesterday.  You know I'm still in it to win it if I'm divulging this kind of information to you!  I came up at 27.5% body fat.  Honestly, I thought I'd be at 30%, so in a way I was pleasantly surprised.  I was told by the woman at the gym that I should aim to be in between 20-25% body fat.  My goal for right now is to get to 24%.  I'm going to retest in about 2 we'll see what happens!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Healthy Dessert Recipes Needed!

Hey y'all!  Happy Monday to ya.

So here's the deal.  Now a month into my healthy eating regimen, I'm starting to get more and more cravings for sweets and not-so-good-for-me foods.  I've heard that you can bake stuff with applesauce instead of oil or something like that, but have never taken the plunge to bake healthy stuff.  I've always had the mentality that if I'm going to bake something, I'm going to go all the way with it and let it be as unhealthy as it should be! 

Time to start thinking differently.  If I can't avoid sweets and desserts, maybe I should try making my own healthy versions and allow myself to have some sometimes instead of avoiding them altogether.

So...this is where you come in!  What healthy desserts do you make, and will you share your recipes with me?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day should be Every Day!!!

Weight:  Who cares?  It's Mother's Day!
Exercise:  What's that?  It's Mother's Day!

I crack myself up sometimes.  But seriously, it's been a great day.  I think mother's day is way more fun than my birthday.  I have so much more to be thankful for on mother's day! 

Happy mother's day to all of you moms out there!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Weight:  160.2
Exercise:  You really think I need to exercise after what I did yesterday?  Go read my post.  I'm taking today off!  LOL

Well, last night I enjoyed dinner and fellowship at the women's banquet at Willow Ridge Church.  One of the biggest things I took away from what the guest speaker had to say was when she was praying to God that she and her husband might conceive a child, she realized that maybe God didn't intend for her to conceive a child...but how do you know?  So she and her husband changed their way of praying and they asked God to change their desires to match His will for their lives.  Wow.  Can you imagine? 

Those of you that know me are aware that I've had two miscarriages before finally having a successful pregnancy and giving birth to our beautiful daughter, Kaelyn.  I am aware of the difficulty of those kinds of situations and I am aware that it's so difficult to change the inner desires of our hearts, especially when we want children. 

Wait.  Did you notice what I just said?  I just said, "'s so difficult to change the inner desires of our hearts."  Do you realize that that implies that WE are to change the inner desires of our hearts?  What if we ask God, all-knowing and all-powerful, to change the inner desires of our hearts??? 

Surely if we come to Him in prayer and on our knees and ask Him to do that for us, in time He will.  I'm not saying that eventually just by doing that we won't want children anymore, or won't want whatever it is we initially wanted...but if God has a bigger plan and we submit ourselves to His plan openly, we might be better in line with what He wants for us.

Is that scary?  Of course it is.  David and I desperately want another child.  I know already that I'm scared to start trying again because I'm scared I might miscarry yet again.  I'm scared that we might discover that we're not meant to have another child.  Who knows?  (God does...duh!)  Shoot, I'm even scared of something going wrong and happening to me because I so badly want to be here to see Kaelyn grow up!  (I'm sure all you parents out there can relate with these fears!!!)  But I have to remember that God is in control.  In the end, He wants what's best for me, and He is the only one who knows what is best for me.

...I just can't follow what I learned last night with talk of what I ate yesterday, etc., etc, so I'm just not going to post that today.  Let's just focus on God and all He's done for us.  Amen!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Friday, May 6, 2011

Weight:  160
Exercise:  Spin class, then legs & abs

So my weight went up just a tad from yesterday.  No biggie...considering I had a nice big ol' cheat meal last night!  I had a hamburger patty (no bun), french fries, salad and a slice of cake for dessert!  Oh, and a coke!  It was soooo YUM!

Below is what I ate yesterday without my cheat meal.  I don't think it's fair to look up the calories, etc., of my cheat meals since I shouldn't feel guilty about having the meal, so I'm not posting the percentages, and obviously the total calories and everything isn't correct...but you can see what I ate other than the cheat meal.

It's a dreary day here right now, and I just feel like curling up and watching a girl movie!  I might just do that!

Coffee w/ sugar & creamer (142.5 cal, 5 fat, 28 carb, 0 pro, 0 fiber) (3 points)1
Nutz over Chocolate Luna Bar (180 cal, 6 fat, 25 carb, 9 pro, 4 fiber) (3 points)1
S'mores Luna bar (180 cal, 5 fat, 27 carb, 9 pro, 3 fiber)1
Jennie-O Turkey patty (about 2 servings) (340 cal, 16 fat, 0 carb, 21 pro, 0 fiber) (8 points)2
1 tbsp Ranch (70 cal, 7 fat, 1 carb, 0 pro, 0 fiber) (2 points)1
1 tbsp Girard's Italian dressing (65 cal, 6.5 fat, 1 carb, 0 pro, 0 fiber) (2 points)1
Spring Mix lettuce (20 cal, 0 fat, 4 carb, 2 pro, 2 fiber) (0 points)1
Total1337.5 calories / 61.5 fat, 86 carb, 43 pro
Fat:  20-35% daily recommended (fat X 9 / total calories X 100 =)?
Carbs:  45-65% daily recommended (carbs X 4 / total calories X 100 =)?
Protein:  10-35% daily recommended (protein X 4 / total calories X 100 =)?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thursday, May 5, 2011 - I DID IT!!!

Weight:  159.4
Exercise:  Headed to the gym after lunchtime to do biceps, triceps and abs and a little cardio.

I DID IT!  I have officially accomplished my first goal!  I am feeling pretty good right now.  It's taken about a month, which is fine.  I think what's helped me get through this so far is having the short-term goal, and also having a realistic expectation of how long it takes to reach my goal.  I certainly didn't expect to lose 5 pounds in a week or two...although that would have been nice.  I also honestly didn't expect it to take a full month...but I'm seeing results, and that's what really matters! 

Next goal?  To be under 155!  I feel good knowing I only have about 4 1/2 pounds to lose to get there.

Do you set realistic goals for yourself when trying to lose weight or get healthy, or do you set yourself up to fail?  In the past I have definitely set myself up to fail with having too great of expectations of myself.

Here's to another day!

Coffee w/ sugar & creamer (142.5 cal, 5 fat, 28 carb, 0 pro, 0 fiber) (3 points)1
Nutz over Chocolate Luna Bar (180 cal, 6 fat, 25 carb, 9 pro, 4 fiber) (3 points)1
Peanut Butter Cookie Luna bar (180 cal, 6 fat, 26 carb, 9 pro, 3 fiber)1
Fiber One Yogurt - Strawberry/Blueberry (50 cal, 0 fat, 13 carb, 3 pro, 5 fiber) (0 points)1
Banana (105 cal, 0 fat, 27 carb, 1 pro, 3 fiber) (2 points)1
1 tbsp Girard's Italian dressing (65 cal, 6.5 fat, 1 carb, 0 pro, 0 fiber) (2 points)1
Spring Mix lettuce (20 cal, 0 fat, 4 carb, 2 pro, 2 fiber) (0 points)1
La Tortilla Factory Large whole wheat tortilla (low carb/high fiber) (80 cal, 3 fat, 18 carb, 8 pro, 12 fiber) (1 point)1
1/2 cup Great Value low fat (1%) cottage cheese (90 cal, 1.5 fat, 6 carb, 14 pro, 0 fiber) (2 points)1
Jennie-O Turkey ground turkey (about 2 servings) (340 cal, 16 fat, 0 carb, 21 pro, 0 fiber) (8 points)2
1/2 cup Idahoan baby reds mashed potatoes (110 cal, 3 fat, 21 carb, 2 pro, 2 fiber) (2 Points)1
1/4 cup Great Value black beans (55 cal, 0.5 fat, 9.5 carb, 3.5 pro, 3.5 fiber) (0 points)2
1 tbsp Breakstones sour cream (30 cal, 3 fat, 0.5 carb, 0 pro, 0 fiber)1
1 cup Marshmallow Mateys cereal, plain (120 cal, 1 fat, 25 carb, 2 pro, 1 fiber) (shall I tell you 13 grams of sugar???)1
Total1962.50 calories / 68 fat, 213.50 carb, 99 pro
Fat:  20-35% daily recommended (fat X 9 / total calories X 100 =)31%
Carbs:  45-65% daily recommended (carbs X 4 / total calories X 100 =)44%
Protein:  10-35% daily recommended (protein X 4 / total calories X 100 =)20%

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Oh, no!

I lost it.  I just couldn't control my sugar craving.  Or rather I couldn't control myself.  I could have had an apple or some fruit to help me with my craving...but I went scrounging in the cupboards and came up with the knockoff Lucky Charms cereal...Marshmallow Mateys (LOL!)...sugar craving gone!  I admit that I feel a lot better now, if even still a little guilty.  I did measure out my serving, though, and since I'm not sure our milk is good still I just decided to have it plain.  That did the trick.  1 cup of Marshmallow Mateys (ahoy!) and I'm good to go.  Here's hoping this isn't the sign of things to come!!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Weight:  160
Exercise:  Went to spin class and also did back, chest and abs afterward.  I didn't end up going to the gym afterall yesterday.  I also went and walked over 3 miles at the dam with my friend.  And I walked my dog.  Whew!  That's enough for today!

Well, you're looking at the's 160!  I think my body is teasing me.  You may remember that my first short-term goal is to be UNDER 160.  Geesh.  160.  Really!?  I weighed myself about five different times just HOPING it would come up at 159.9!!!  haha  I'll do anything for that.  But I'm being honest.  So I'm basically at my "prepregnancy" weight at this point.  It's hard to believe that it's been about 15 months since I weighed 160, which is 20 pounds more than I was when we got married almost 6 years ago.  C'mon 140!!!

You'll notice on my spreadsheet that I'm now calculating my daily percentages of how much fat, carbohydrates and protein I'm eating of my total calories for each day.  This is really interesting.  Yesterday I ate 4% more fat than I did on Monday.  Why?  It's that darned ground turkey!  But did I gain weight today?  Nope.  I lost a pound!  I ate about 8% less carbohydrates yesterday because I didn't have any sweet potatoes.  But did eating those sweet potatoes on Monday affect my weight?  Nope.  I think it's all a balance.  I seem to have trouble getting over the 20% mark of protein this week so far.  I'm sure if I cook some more of that fish up, I'll get just above 20% today...and you can bet I'll be trying to do that today so that I can get that scale under 160 tomorrow!

It's very interesting keeping track of what I'm eating.  It definitely keeps me accountable.  It's funny because when I ate those four...yes, four...fruit strips yesterday, I felt kind of guilty as I opened each one and added the number to my spreadsheet.  But I was obviously dealing with some sort of craving.  At least those things are organic and overall they're not too bad for you.  They're from Target, by the way, and they're delicious if you want to try something new!

Oh, and you want to know how spin went this morning?  Okay.  I'll tell you.  This was their "hard" class this morning.  It was harder in a different way than the "normal" classes are.  I made it, though.  I have to work on increasing my resistance, but that will come with time.  My legs are definitely worn out today, but I still may be going to walk the dam with my girlfriend later on.  C'mon 159.9!!!  haha

Last thing.  Do any of you parents out there freak out when a storm comes in the middle of the night?  I guess when I say "freak out" I don't mean literally, but when the storm came last night and I heard those winds blowing and all that lightening I couldn't help but be on the edge of the bed ready to grab Kaelyn out of her crib if need be.  I'm so paranoid during storms that a tornado will come or something and I won't have her near me.  I'm hoping that fear dies down a little.  I'm not usually one to be overly paranoid, but when it comes to storms I am!

Have a great day everyone!

Coffee w/ sugar & creamer (142.5 cal, 5 fat, 28 carb, 0 pro, 0 fiber) (3 points)1
Fiber One Yogurt - Strawberry/Blueberry (50 cal, 0 fat, 13 carb, 3 pro, 5 fiber) (0 points)1
Banana (105 cal, 0 fat, 27 carb, 1 pro, 3 fiber) (2 points)1
Jennie-O Turkey patty (about 2 servings) (340 cal, 16 fat, 0 carb, 21 pro, 0 fiber) (8 points)2
1 tbsp Ranch (70 cal, 7 fat, 1 carb, 0 pro, 0 fiber) (2 points)2
Spring Mix lettuce (20 cal, 0 fat, 4 carb, 2 pro, 2 fiber) (0 points)1
La Tortilla Factory Large whole wheat tortilla (low carb/high fiber) (80 cal, 3 fat, 18 carb, 8 pro, 12 fiber) (1 point)1
3 tblsp Great Value 100% liquid egg whites (25 cal, 0 fat, 1 carb, 5 pro, 0 fiber) (1 point)2
1/2 cup Great Value low fat (1%) cottage cheese (90 cal, 1.5 fat, 6 carb, 14 pro, 0 fiber) (2 points)1
Jennie-O Turkey ground turkey (about 2 servings) (340 cal, 16 fat, 0 carb, 21 pro, 0 fiber) (8 points)1
1/2 tbsp Kraft Real Mayo (45 cal, 5 fat, 0 carb, 0 pro, 0 fiber) (1 point)1
1/2 cup Idahoan baby reds mashed potatoes (110 cal, 3 fat, 21 carb, 2 pro, 2 fiber) (2 Points)1
1/4 cup Sargento classic 4 cheese Mexican shredded cheese (110 cal, 9 fat, 1 carb, 6 pro, 0 fiber) (3 points)1
Archer Farms Blueberry fruit strip (45 cal, 0 fat, 11 carb, 0 pro, 1 fiber) (1 point)4
Total2142.5 calories / 88.5 fat, 166 carb, 109 pro
Fat:  20-35% daily recommended (fat X 9 / total calories X 100 =)37%
Carbs:  45-65% daily recommended (carbs X 4 / total calories X 100 =)31%
Protein:  10-35% daily recommended (protein X 4 / total calories X 100 =)20%

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

You're not just a name. You're a number!

Weird title.  I know.  I couldn't think of anything better...and that popped in my mind, so what the heck.  Got your attention, though, didn't it?

Below I'm going to describe how you can go about finding out what percentage of your daily calorie intake you're eating of fat, carbs and protein.

If your total calories for a day were 1848, you would do the following math to figure out what percentage of those calories your fat, carbs and protein were:

Fat provides 9 calories (9xF)
Carbs provide 4 calories (4xC)
Protein provides 4 calories (4xP)

First, you need to understand how many calories are in the amount of grams of fat, carbs and protein you ate.  You'll notice that nutritional information on packages list those items in grams.  Multiply your total fat, carbs and protein you ate by the appropriate number listed above to find out how many calories are in each item, then take that number and divide it by your total calories for the day.  Lastly, multiply that number by 100 to make it a percentage.  See below.

I ate 68 grams of fat.  68 x 9 = 612 (this is the amount of calories fat provides)
612 divided by 1848 x 100 (to get the percentage) = 33.12%

I ate 181 grams of carbs.  181 x 4 = 724 (this is the amount of calories carbs provide)
724 divided by 1848 x 100 (to get the percentage) = 39.18%

I ate 95 grams of protein.  95 x 4 = 380 (this is the amount of calories protein provides)
380 divided by 1848 x 100 (to get the percentage) = 20.56%

So what percentage of your diet should these things be?  There are many answers out there.  This is the most reliable one that I could find:

You'll see an introduction, and to the left of that introduction is a list - carbohydrates, protein, fat, saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, fiber, sodium and sugar.  Click on each one to read how much the Department of Agriculture recommends. 

I am in the process of trying to find research that states what these percentages should be if you're trying to LOSE weight and GAIN muscle (but not be a bodybuilder by any means!!!).  If I am able to find anything on this, I'll let you know.  I didn't want to wait to post this for you, though, as I think it's helpful to calculate these totals to really "see" what your diet looks like. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Weight:  161
Exercise:  About to head to the gym to do chest and back and about 15 minutes of cardio.

Well, last night I made sweet potato fries for the first time ever!  They were so good...I made just one sweet potato's worth and was supposed to eat half and save the half for David...but once I started I couldn't stop!  I ate the whole thing.  Then I had to make another for him.  Oops.  :)  I can't find exact nutrition information for what I ate, so I just went with what I found for 1 cup baked sweet potato, and I considered what I had 2 servings.  I figure that's probably safe.

Well, our little girl rolled over for the first time ever yesterday!  I always thought she'd do it so much sooner...but I guess she liked the idea of waiting until she turned 7 months.  Here's the video I took of the 3rd time she rolled over.

I've realized that with this new food chart I'm pasting here that you're not actually seeing what my individual meals're just seeing the breakdown of what items I'm eating.  I've had for the past couple of mornings a really good breakfast burrito that I want to tell you about.  It just consists of one of those healthy tortillas, a little mayo spread on it so it's not so dry (have you ever had those?  they are SO dry!  ack!), 1/4 cup of black beans that I have in the fridge that I've already seasoned with garlic powder and chili powder (heated, of course), a serving of shredded cheese and then of course my egg whites.  It's actually very flavorful and packed with good protein and good fiber.  I highly recommend it!

Oh...and of course I'm excited about being my lowest weight today of 161!!!  I'm that much closer to my first goal of being UNDER 160!  Maybe this is the week!

Coffee w/ sugar & creamer (142.5 cal, 5 fat, 28 carb, 0 pro, 0 fiber) (3 points)1
Nutz over Chocolate Luna Bar (180 cal, 6 fat, 25 carb, 9 pro, 4 fiber) (3 points)1
Fiber One Yogurt - Strawberry/Blueberry (50 cal, 0 fat, 13 carb, 3 pro, 5 fiber) (0 points)1
Jennie-O Turkey patty (about 2 servings) (340 cal, 16 fat, 0 carb, 21 pro, 0 fiber) (8 points)2
1 tbsp Ranch (70 cal, 7 fat, 1 carb, 0 pro, 0 fiber) (2 points)1
La Tortilla Factory Large whole wheat tortilla (low carb/high fiber) (80 cal, 3 fat, 18 carb, 8 pro, 12 fiber) (1 point)1
3 tblsp Great Value 100% liquid egg whites (25 cal, 0 fat, 1 carb, 5 pro, 0 fiber) (1 point)3
1/2 tbsp Kraft Real Mayo (45 cal, 5 fat, 0 carb, 0 pro, 0 fiber) (1 point)1
1/4 cup Sargento classic 4 cheese Mexican shredded cheese (110 cal, 9 fat, 1 carb, 6 pro, 0 fiber) (3 points)1
1/4 cup Great Value black beans (55 cal, 0.5 fat, 9.5 carb, 3.5 pro, 3.5 fiber) (0 points)1
Baked sweet potato fries (I don't have exact nutrition data so I'm putting the numbers for 1 cup to be safe) (180 calories, 0 fat, 41 carb, 4 pro, 7 fiber) (3 points)2
Total1847.50 calories / 35 points (67.5 fat, 180.5, 94.5 pro) 

Monday, May 2, 2011

Stay-at-home moms...give me your tips!

Okay ladies.  It's a LOT more difficult to keep up with the house and a child than I thought it would be!  If you would, I'd love for you to share some of the things that help keep you in line.  Kaelyn has finally gotten somewhat of a nap routine down, so it's time for me to get in better habits of keeping up with things.  How do you accomplish all you need to in a day?  Do you keep a list of things that have to get done and check it off as you go?  Please comment and give me some tips to help me become a better wife and stay-at-home mom!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Weight:  161.4
Exercise:  Spin class and cleaning the bathroom.  Hey, cleaning counts!  LOL

Well, I did it again!  I am just loving spin class.  I still am in shock that I like it so much.  I really think it has most to do with the people that are in there.  They are so encouraging and supportive, and it makes me feel really good.  Wednesdays are their "hard" class - apparently the instructor has them doing really difficult stuff to build their skill on the bikes, and several of them told me today that since I've made it this far, I should try it.  I've been pretty intimidated about it, but I told them I'd be I guess I've committed myself to it!

Most of you that know me are aware that I used to be a court reporter, but when I had Kaelyn I decided to quit my job and become a full-time stay-at-home mom...or as someone once told me, a stay-at-home goddess.  I prefer the goddess.  ha!  Well, it really has been an adjustment learning how to balance my time with taking care of Kaelyn and keeping up with the chores around the house.  If any of you know me, you know I can't stand cleaning, and that's putting it nicely!  So today I am trying something new. 

First of all, I'm making a real effort at not watching television during the week.  I told David (it's always good to tell someone so they can help keep you in check!) that I may watch the 5:00 news or something just to keep up with what's going on in the world, and I may watch a show with him at night if I feel like I've accomplished everything I should during the day, but mostly I'm going to save my shows and stuff until Friday night and the weekend.  Afterall, that's what DVRs are for, right?

So today is Day 1.  I got off to a good start by cleaning our bathroom when I got home from spin.  If you know me, you know that's quite a feat, as I got home around that means my bathroom was done by about 8am...crazy!  At least I got the day started on the right foot.  The other thing I'm doing is when I want to "relax" (the times I normally would turn on the "boob tube" as Grandma would call it), I'm going to let myself relax - sit in the recliner, whatever.  But I'm planning on picking my Bible up a lot more than I normally do.  This morning I already read a chapter of Matthew.  I'm working my way through the New Testament.

You can tell I'm quite wordy today!  Getting up early will do that to ya.  I hope you all have a great, productive day!!!

Coffee w/ sugar & creamer (142.5 cal, 5 fat, 28 carb, 0 pro, 0 fiber) (3 points)1
Nutz over Chocolate Luna Bar (180 cal, 6 fat, 25 carb, 9 pro, 4 fiber) (3 points)1
Fiber One Yogurt - Strawberry/Blueberry (50 cal, 0 fat, 13 carb, 3 pro, 5 fiber) (0 points)1
1 tbsp Girard's Italian dressing (65 cal, 6.5 fat, 1 carb, 0 pro, 0 fiber) (2 points)1
Spring Mix lettuce (20 cal, 0 fat, 4 carb, 2 pro, 2 fiber) (0 points)1
Thomas' English Muffin - Multi-grain (100 cal, 1 fat, 25 carb, 5 pro, 8 fiber) (1 point)1
3 tblsp Great Value 100% liquid egg whites (25 cal, 0 fat, 1 carb, 5 pro, 0 fiber) (1 point)3
1/2 tbsp Kraft Real Mayo (45 cal, 5 fat, 0 carb, 0 pro, 0 fiber) (1 point)1
1 serving Pretzel Crisps (110 cal, 0 fat, 23 carb, 3 pro, 1 fiber) (2 points)1
1 boneless tilapia fillet (110 cal, 1.5 fat, 0 carb, 23 pro, 0 fiber) (2 points)2
1/2 cup Idahoan baby reds mashed potatoes (110 cal, 3 fat, 21 carb, 2 pro, 2 fiber) (2 Points)1
1 chicken breast (130 cal, 3 fat, 1 carb, 24 pro, 0 fiber) (3 points)1
1.5 serving of Steamfresh Broccoli Florets (45 cal, 0 fat, 6 carb, 2 pro, 3 fiber)1
Total22 points / 1292.50 calories, 111 protein, 32.5 fat, 150 carb, 25 fiber) 

NOTE:  I forgot that I had a protein shake, so I didn't add that in.   It was made with light chocolate soy milk, a teaspoon of healthy peanut butter and about a 1/2 scoop of protein powder.  I need to add that to my list.  I also wonder if I forgot to count something I ate because my calories sure are low!  Just remember that I'm blonde so sometimes I may forget something.  Duuuhhhh.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

True Blonde Tip of the Day

If you can't find the remote to the television, before searching the entire living room and turning the couches inside out...check your other hand.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Weight:  161.4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Exercise:  Heading to the gym in a little bit with David to do a little cardio, biceps and triceps and 5 minutes in the sauna.

WOW!  I can't believe I lost weight!  David asked me to weigh in last night before bed...we were curious to see what I was at because I totally oinked out (yes, I did say oinked out...) at the meal after the funeral (it was my "cheat meal").  I weighed in last night at 164.something.  I can't believe I lost about 3 pounds last night!  That's crazy. 

Since I'm not really able to keep track of the nutritional value of what I ate at that meal yesterday, I'll just post everything else I ate for you yesterday.   I will tell you that I ate macaroni and cheese, turkey, corn casserole, green beans, butter beans, and a heck of a lot of banana pudding (THE BEST made by Aunt Ada!  OMG!).  That was around 5pm-ish.  On the way home from the funeral (we didn't leave until about 7pm and it was a 2 hours drive) I ate another Luna bar (I'll have that on my spreadsheet), and that was my dinner.  So maybe that contributed to losing the few pounds.  Who knows.  David thinks it's the cheat meal that I ate that put my body into action (LOL).  Whatever it is, I'm not complaining!

Coffee w/ sugar & creamer (142.5 cal, 5 fat, 28 carb, 0 pro, 0 fiber) (3 points)1
Nutz over Chocolate Luna Bar (180 cal, 6 fat, 25 carb, 9 pro, 4 fiber) (3 points)2
Fiber One Yogurt - Strawberry/Blueberry (50 cal, 0 fat, 13 carb, 3 pro, 5 fiber) (0 points)1
Apple (80 cal, 0 fat, 22 carb, 0 pro, 5 fiber) (1 point)1
1 serving Pretzel Crisps (110 cal, 0 fat, 23 carb, 3 pro, 1 fiber) (2 points)1
1 boneless tilapia fillet (110 cal, 1.5 fat, 0 carb, 23 pro, 0 fiber) (2 points)2
1.5 serving of Steamfresh Asian Medley vegetables (75 cal, 3 fat, 9 carb, 3 pro, 3 fiber) (1 point)1
Total17 points / 1037.5 calories (doesn't include cheat meal)

Oh, and I'm tellin' ya...if you want to cut down the fat in your diet, you've heard it before but I'm telling you again anyway, eat FISH!  I'm swearing by it now.  You'll see me eating a lot more tilapia from here on out until I get closer to my goal weight(s)!!!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday, April 29, 2011

Weight:  162.6
Exercise:  Spin class!  And then took Kaelyn and Grainger (our dog) on a walk!

Well, I don't have time to write much - we have a funeral to go to today.  David's uncle passed away.  His mom has 9 siblings, and he is the first of them to pass away.  It's a sad day, but we look forward to celebrating his life today.

From now moving forward I'm planning on pasting the information of what I ate throughout the previous day from that spreadsheet I created.  So what I'm posting below is actually everything I consumed yesterday.  This is actually a really interesting way to keep track of calories, etc.  When I have more time either this weekend or Monday I'll tell you how to figure out what percentage of the calories you consume is is fat, protein and carbs.  It's just some easy math, but there are some people out there who have recommended what those percentages should be depending on what you're trying to do (bulk up, lose weight, sustain, etc).  It's quite interesting!  Plus, I think it really does something mentally (not meaning you go mental...LOL) to you when you see that you're eating 40% fat in your daily diet (or something like that - that was just an example!!!).

Coffee w/ sugar & creamer (142.5 cal, 5 fat, 28 carb, 0 pro, 0 fiber) (3 points)1
Nutz over Chocolate Luna Bar (180 cal, 6 fat, 25 carb, 9 pro, 4 fiber) (3 points)1
Fiber One Yogurt - Strawberry/Blueberry (50 cal, 0 fat, 13 carb, 3 pro, 5 fiber) (0 points)1
Banana (105 cal, 0 fat, 27 carb, 1 pro, 3 fiber) (2 points)1
1 tbsp Ranch (70 cal, 7 fat, 1 carb, 0 pro, 0 fiber) (2 points)1
1 tbsp Girard's Italian dressing (65 cal, 6.5 fat, 1 carb, 0 pro, 0 fiber) (2 points)1
Spring Mix lettuce (20 cal, 0 fat, 4 carb, 2 pro, 2 fiber) (0 points)2
Thomas' English Muffin - Multi-grain (100 cal, 1 fat, 25 carb, 5 pro, 8 fiber) (1 point)1
3 tblsp Great Value 100% liquid egg whites (25 cal, 0 fat, 1 carb, 5 pro, 0 fiber) (1 point)3
1/2 cup Great Value low fat (1%) cottage cheese (90 cal, 1.5 fat, 6 carb, 14 pro, 0 fiber) (2 points)1
Jennie-O Turkey ground turkey (about 2 servings) (340 cal, 16 fat, 0 carb, 21 pro, 0 fiber) (8 points)1
1/2 tbsp Kraft Real Mayo (45 cal, 5 fat, 0 carb, 0 pro, 0 fiber) (1 point)1
1 serving Pretzel Crisps (110 cal, 0 fat, 23 carb, 3 pro, 1 fiber) (2 points)1
1 boneless tilapia fillet (110 cal, 1.5 fat, 0 carb, 23 pro, 0 fiber) (2 points)2
1.5 serving of Steamfresh Asian Medley vegetables (75 cal, 3 fat, 9 carb, 3 pro, 3 fiber) (1 point)1
Total33 points / 1707.5 calories (approx) (114 pro, 54 fat, 165 carb, 28 fiber)