Monday, May 2, 2011

Stay-at-home moms...give me your tips!

Okay ladies.  It's a LOT more difficult to keep up with the house and a child than I thought it would be!  If you would, I'd love for you to share some of the things that help keep you in line.  Kaelyn has finally gotten somewhat of a nap routine down, so it's time for me to get in better habits of keeping up with things.  How do you accomplish all you need to in a day?  Do you keep a list of things that have to get done and check it off as you go?  Please comment and give me some tips to help me become a better wife and stay-at-home mom!


  1. I clean one room at a time.

    I put her in her jumperoo or activity chair while I clean the living room. I also fold laundry in the living room.

    I save the bathrooms for when she's napping or the evenings when DH is home.

    I put her on my bedroom floor with toys while I make the bed and put away laundry.

    I usually put LO in her highchair with some teething rings or cereal to entertain her while I clean the kitchen. I, also, make dinner while she's in her highchair.

    I'm a list maker but when it comes to the household chores with a baby, it's a "whenever I can fit it in" kind of deal. My mom always said "If your house is messy, you have your priorities straight. Baby comes first, house comes second."

  2. I have a dry erase board on the fridge and I have a weekly chore schedule! Everything that needs to get done weekly gets listed under a certain day! list looks a little like this

    Monday- change bed sheets, 2 loads of laundry
    Tuesday-clean bathrooms
    Wednesday- sweep/mop floors

    so on, etc..

    It really helps me to not get overwhelmed and try to pile too much in one day! This plan also gives me plenty of time to spend with my daughter! I will list other chores (non-weekly) things on the side of my board and if I have extra time one day, I will get those done one by one!

  3. Thank you both! Amanda, great ideas for where to put her while you're cleaning. I do the high chair thing a good bit. I need to quit making excuses and just get stuff done already!

    Mitchell Family: Good idea on the erase board. I wonder if I should get something like that for the side of the fridge. Do you feel weird having your list out for guests to see, etc? I always wondered if that would be weird that they can plainly see my list of house chores to get done. Maybe I'm just weird!

  4. I also have a dry erase board in my laundry room. I use it to keep track of appointments and bills that are due.

    I used to struggle with taking care of the house, my catering business I do from home, and taking care of my two year old and 8 month old, and a husband, but you really have to just push to get things done. I would stare at the dishes and think, UGH, I need to do the dishes. I now have to just GET UP and GO DO THEM. It never takes as long as I think it will.

    Once your LO gets old enough, you can make chores for them to do. It really helps when my two year old picks up her own toys and puts them away herself. I feel like that's a big part of why my house feels "messy" all day. So many toys!

    My two year old has her own chore chart and she gets a sticker for every chore she completes, and every day she does all her chores, she gets a treat.

  5. Wow, I wish I could get Samuel to clean up his toys. He will a little bit, but he gets distracted very easily. It's harder for me to get him to do it. I guess that's why I do it.

  6. I guess this summer we'll be working on that more.
