Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Weight:  159.something (don't remember...sorry!)
Exercise:  Does laying around all day count?

Where have I been, you wonder?  Well, I've been sick with a nasty cold since last Wednesday...so I've just been staying under the radar.  I've gone to spin a couple of times despite feeling yucky, and I've tried to eat relatively healthy while sick, but sometimes that's hard when nothing "sounds good" or only certain things seem like they might taste good. 

I can't wait to start getting back to "normal" (or whatever that is!) and get back to keeping track of what I'm eating and everything.  I definitely notice a difference in how accountable I am when I'm not keeping track of what I'm putting in my body.  For example, today for lunch I had a chicken sandwich...and Doritos.  Hm!  Doritos!  Not so healthy.  But I used the excuse of "I don't feel good."  That excuse is only good for so long!

Anyway, I just wanted you all to know that I am still here.  It's just hard to want to write on this blog while I'm feeling yucky and my daughter is feeling yucky and I'm having to take care of both of us.  I do, however, have a goal of getting to under 155 by June 4th (yes, mom, I'm using the day you get here as my goal date!!!)...and I know I have my work cut out for me, so here's hoping this cold is gone in the next day or two so I can get to it!

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